vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list

vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list
vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list
vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list
vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list
vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list
vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list
vintage kitchen chef note pad holder memo board for notes, messages, grocery list

Kitschy vintage painted wood kitchen chef to hold a roll of paper for your notes and grocery list. This is a cute little souvenir piece marked Clinton Iowa.

The chef is 12" tall end to end, and is in good clean condition overall, though the original roll of adding machine tape is missing!

item #z614286