vintage Hazel-Atlas milk white glass dishes, vitrock type embossed floral border

vintage Hazel-Atlas milk white glass dishes, vitrock type embossed floral border
vintage Hazel-Atlas milk white glass dishes, vitrock type embossed floral border
vintage Hazel-Atlas milk white glass dishes, vitrock type embossed floral border

1940's-50's vintage Hazel Atlas glass, translucent white with a border of flowers (forget-me-not style, but this one with ivy leaves and larger flowers).

This is a luncheon set for four (cups, saucers and 8 3/4" plates - missing one saucer to the set). All else in in excellent shape, never used. If you know this pattern name, please email us, I've looked in so many books and old pattern glass catalogs, and haven't been able to come up with a name or pattern number!

item #h855