A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints

A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints
A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints
A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints
A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints
A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints
A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints
A C Leighton Canadian Rockies oil or watercolors, framed miniature prints

Pair of wood framed miniature prints about 3 1/2" x 4 3/4" (6 1/2" x 7 1/2" framed). These are penciled on the reverse, and the margin visible under the frame is marked in pencil on both - A C Leighton - one titled Lake Louise, and the other Matterhorn of the Rockies.

These are prints somewhat crudely mounted onto thick hardboard, then varnished, and mounted in the frames without glass. There's yellowing to the varnish and some wear and scuffing to the prints and the wood frames.

We'd guess these are proabably prints cut from material done for the Canadian railway, as many of Leighton's original artworks were - but we have not found any references to works of these titles, and have no idea as to the date of print or artwork, or if the originals were oils or watercolors.

We found this page very interesting reading with a lot of information about Leighton and his work, available without a fee, or requiring a membership.

A. C. Leighton (Alfred Crocker Leighton, 1901-1965) http://www.sharecom.ca/leighton/rockies.html

item #k42764